
Back up your device - iPhone & iPad

Start a backup on iPhone or iPad · On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google One app Google One . · On the left, tap Menu and then Settings and then · Tap Photos ...

How to Back Up Your iPhone

2024年3月31日 — On the iCloud page, scroll down and tap on iCloud Backup. Make sure the switch is toggled on so you'll get automatic backups when your iPhone is ...

How to back up your iPhone or iPad with iCloud

2023年12月18日 — Back up manually ... Go to Settings > [your name], and tap iCloud. ... Tap Back Up Now. Stay connected to your Wi-Fi network until the process ends.

How to back up your iPhone?

Steps to perform backup for your iPhone using iCloud: · Connect your device to a Wi-Fi network · Tap Settings > [your name], and tap iCloud. · Scroll down, and ...

How to Backup an iPhone on Windows 10 and 11

Locating the backups stored in iTunes on your computer is easy. In iTunes, go to Edit > Preferences > Devices. This will present a list of the backups on your ...

How to Backup iPhone

Method 1: iCloud backup · Step 1: Connect to Wi-Fi · Step 2: Open Settings · Step 3: Tap on your Apple ID · Step 4: Access iCloud Settings · Step 5: Enable ...

[8 ways] How to backup iPhone to computer

2024年2月19日 — iTunes: On PC, Start iTunes > choose File > Devices > Back Up. iCloud: Go to iPhone Settings > your name > iCloud > iCloud ...


,StartabackuponiPhoneoriPad·OnyouriPhoneoriPad,opentheGoogleOneappGoogleOne.·Ontheleft,tapMenuandthenSettingsandthen·TapPhotos ...,2024年3月31日—OntheiCloudpage,scrolldownandtaponiCloudBackup.Makesuretheswitchistoggledonsoyou'llgetautomaticbackupswhenyouriPhoneis ...,2023年12月18日—Backupmanually...GotoSettings>[yourname],andtapiCloud....TapBackUpNow.StayconnectedtoyourWi-Finetworkuntilthep...